venerdì 16 luglio 2010

It's the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can...

Do The Right Thing SCRIPT - Spike Lee

Right now, folks, we're gonna suspend the narrative and show
how people are coping with the oppressive heat.

People are taking cold showers.

Sticking faces in ice-cold, water-filled sinks.

Heads stuck in refrigerators.

A wife tells her husband, "Hell no, I'm not cooking. It's
too hot. The kitchen is closed."

Men downing six-packs of ice-cold brew.

Faces stuck directly in front of fans.

A young kid cracks an egg on Sal's Cadillac. The moment the
egg hits the car hood it starts to cook. The kid looks
directly INTO THE CAMERA and smiles, then looks up to see
Sal, mad as a motherfucker, chasing after him.

And how can I forget the papers, the newspaper headlines.

New York Post: "A SCORCHER"
New York Daily News: "2 HOT 4 U?"
New York Newsday: "OH BOY! BAKED APPLE"

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