venerdì 29 giugno 2012

The Modern Age

giovedì 28 giugno 2012

They are coming...

mercoledì 27 giugno 2012

Perfect Circle

Put your hair back, we get to leave
Eleven gallows on your sleeve
Shallow figure, winner's paid
Eleven shadows way out of place
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

Pull your dress on and stay real close
Who might leave you where I left off?
A perfect circle of acquaintances and friends
Drink another, coin a phrase
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room

Try to win and suit your needs
Speak out sometimes but try to win
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room
Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room

martedì 26 giugno 2012

Move On

A volte sento
Il bisogno di muovermi
Così faccio la valigia
E mi muovo
Mi muovo
Potrei prendere un treno
O navigare all'alba
Potrei prendere una ragazza
Quando mi muovo
Quando mi muovo
Da qualche parte qualcuno mi chiama
Quando si arriva al dunque
Sono solo un viaggiatore
Forse è solo un inganno della mente, ma
In qualche posto c'è un cielo mattutino
Più blu degli occhi suoi
In qualche posto c'è un oceano
Innocente e selvaggio
L'Africa è un popolo dormiente
La Russia ha i suoi cavalieri
Ho trascorso qualche notte nella vecchia Kyoto
Dormendo per terra sulle stuoie
Cipro è la mia isola
Quando il viaggio si fa duro
Mi piacerebbe trovarti
Da qualche parte, in un posto simile
Da qualche parte qualcuno mi chiama
Quando si arriva al dunque
Io inciampo come un cieco
Non riesco a dimenticarti
Non riesco a dimenticarti
Mi sento come un'ombra
Come una foglia alla deriva
Inciampo come un cieco
Non riesco a dimenticarti
Non riesco a dimenticarti
Non riesco a dimenticarti
Non riesco a dimenticarti

lunedì 25 giugno 2012

German Festival... (Clark Griswold)

Disturbance at the Heron house

"They're going wild," the call came in
At early morning pre-dawn, then
"The followers of chaos out of control
They're numbering the monkeys
The monkeys and the monkeys,"
The followers of chaos out of control

"They're meeting at the monument,"
The call came in the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll
"They've gathered up the cages the cages and courageous,"
The followers of chaos out of control

The call came in to Party Central
"Meeting of the green and simple,"
Try to tell us something we don't know

"Disturbance at the Heron House"
A stampede at the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll
The gathering of grunts and greens
Cogs and grunts and hirelings
A meeting of a mean idea to hold
"When feeding time has come and gone
They'll lose the heart and head for home
Try to tell us something we don't know"

Everyone allowed, Everyone allowed

venerdì 22 giugno 2012

Fear is a man's best friend

Standing waiting for a man to show
Wide eyed one eye fixed on the door
This waiting's killing me, it's wearing me down
Day in day out, my feet are burning holes in the ground
Darkness warmer than a bedroom floor
Want someone to hold me close forever more
I'm a sleeping dog, but you can't tell
When I'm on the prowl you'ld better run like hell
You know it makes sense, don't even think about it
Life and death are just things you do when you're bored
Say fear's a man's best friend
You add it up it brings you down
Home is living like a man on the run
Trails leading nowhere, where to my son?
We're already dead, just not yet in the ground
Take my helping hand I'll show you around
You know it makes sense, don't even think about it
Life and death are just things you do when you're bored
Say fear's a man's best friend
You add it up it brings you down

Gölem - ore 08.04 circa

mercoledì 20 giugno 2012

ijsberg dreaming

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning I sit around
Trying to smile but the air is so heavy and dry
Strange voices are sayin'
What did they say
Things I can't understand
It's too close for comfort this heat has got right out of hand
It's a cruel ... cruel ... cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel ... it's a cruel ... cruel summer
Now you've gone
The city is crowded my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go
It's a cruel ... cruel ... cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel ... it's a cruel .. cruel summer
Now you've gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel ... cruel ... cruel summer
Leaving meeeeee ... leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel ... it's a cruel ... cruel summer
Now you've gone
It's a cruel ... cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel ... cruel summer
Now you've gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel ... cruel ... cruel summer
Leaving meeeeee ... leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel ... it's a cruel ... cruel summer
Now you've gone

martedì 19 giugno 2012

The Magnificent Seven

Ring! Ring! It's 7:00 A.M.!
Move y'self to go again
Cold water in the face
Brings you back to this awful place
Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too
Must get up an' learn those rules
Weather man and the crazy chief
One says sun and one says sleet
A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too
Churning out that boogaloo
Gets you up and gets you out
But how long can you keep it up?
Gimme Honda, Gimme Sony
So cheap and real phony
Hong Kong dollars and Indian cents
English pounds and Eskimo pence
You lot! What?
Don't stop! Give it all you got!
You lot! What?
Don't stop! Yeah!
Working for a rise, better my station
Take my baby to sophistication
She's seen the ads, she thinks it's nice
Better work hard - I seen the price
Never mind that it's time for the bus
We got to work - an' you're one of us
Clocks go slow in a place of work
Minutes drag and the hours jerk
"When can I tell 'em wot I do?
In a second, maaan...oright Chuck!"
Wave bub-bub-bub-bye to the boss
It's our profit, it's his loss
But anyway lunch bells ring
Take one hour and do your thanng!
What do we have for entertainment?
Cops kickin' Gypsies on the pavement
Now the news - snap to attention!
The lunar landing of the dentist convention
Italian mobster shoots a lobster
Seafood restaurant gets out of hand
A car in the fridge
Or a fridge in the car?
Like cowboys do - in T.V. land
You lot! What? Don't stop. Huh?
So get back to work an' sweat some more
The sun will sink an' we'll get out the door
It's no good for man to work in cages
Hits the town, he drinks his wages
You're frettin', you're sweatin'
But did you notice you ain't gettin'?
Don't you ever stop long enough to start?
To take your car outta that gear
Don't you ever stop long enough to start?
To get your car outta that gear
Karlo Marx and Fredrich Engels
Came to the checkout at the 7-11
Marx was skint - but he had sense
Engels lent him the necessary pence
What have we got? Yeh-o, magnificence!!
Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi
Went to the park to check on the game
But they was murdered by the other team
Who went on to win 50-nil
You can be true, you can be false
You be given the same reward
Socrates and Milhous Nixon
Both went the same way - through the kitchen
Plato the Greek or Rin Tin Tin
Who's more famous to the billion millions?
News Flash: Vacuum Cleaner Sucks Up Budgie
Fucking long, innit?

lunedì 18 giugno 2012


Share bride failing star
care-line driving me
Shirley, Shirley, Shirley own

Share bride failing star

giovedì 14 giugno 2012

walking on the moon

Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don't break
Walking on the moon
We could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could live together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Feet they hardly touch the ground
Walking on the moon
My feet don't hardly make no sound
Walking on, walking on the moon
Some may say
I'm wishing my days away
No way
And if it's the price I pay
Some say
Tomorrow's another day
You stay
I may as well play
Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don't break
Walking on the moon
We could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could be together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Some may say
I'm wishing my days away
No way
And if it's the price I pay
Some say
Tomorrow's another day
You stay
I may as well play

Keep it up, keep it up

martedì 12 giugno 2012

Never Be Silent

giovedì 7 giugno 2012



Ray Bradbury non scriverà più
Firmò il profetico "Fahrenheit"

E' morto a Los Angeles a quasi 92 anni lo scrittore nordamericano Ray Bradbury. Suoi libri epocali come le "Cronache marziane" e il profetico "Fahrenheit 451": è la temperatura a cui bruciano la carta e racconta di un mondo che combatte libertà di pensiero e cultura e dove i sovversivi imparano a memoria i testi fondamentali, da Shakespeare a Dante, per tramandarli. Un titolo e una narrazione che ha affascinato - e fatto pensare - milioni di personel. E ha gettato semi fecondi. Nel 1966 Truffaut da questo romanzo trasse un film molto bello, cogliendo perfettamente lo spirito di ribellione che stava maturando in occidente. Da noi, in Italia, Radiotre Rai ha chiamato "Fahrenheit" una sua trasmissione pomeridiana, eccellente e amata, ormai pluriennale su libri e cultura. E dopo l'attentato alle Torri Gemelle del 2001 Michael Moore titolo "Fahrenheit 9/11" il suo documentario che svelava magagne e menzogne dell'amministrazione Bush.
Figlio di un operaio e di una casalinga di origini svedesi, dell'Illinois, nato nella cittadina di Waukegan il 22 agosto 1922, a causa della Grande Depressione nel 1934 si trasferì in California come molti altri concittadini. Nel 1950 pubblicò la raccolta di racconti "Cronache marziane": ambientate nel pianeta rosso, parlavano del loro tempo e hanno contribuito in modo decisivo a fare della fantascienza un genere non solo molto seguito ma anche un genere letterario apprezzato da molti, anche se - a lungo - non dall'accademia ufficiale.
Risale invece al 1953 "Fahrenheit 451", un romanzo breve che parla di libertà, di sovversivi nascosti in una foresta che leggono libri che le autorità vogliono bruciare affidando il lavoro ai pompieri. Con una trama che da un lato rimanda ai roghi nazisti, dall'altro risentiva del clima di caccia alle streghe del maccartismo americano, vede un pompiere conoscere e innamorarsi di una ribelle e allora gli si apre un altro universo.
Sceneggiatore di cinema, scrisse la sceneggiatura per una pellicola che ha fatto storia: il "Moby Dick" di John Huston. Grande narratore e magistrale autore di racconti, firmò il romanzo "I sing the body electric" che nei primi anni 70 ispirò uno dei dischi capolavoro del gruppo jazz rock dei Weather Report: a riprova di quanto Bradbury sia stato di ispirazione per forme d'espressione allora considerate eterodosse e oggi tranquillamente accettate anche dalla cultura "mainstream".
Autore di libri per bambini come il libro 'Accendi la notte', scritto nel 1955 ma pubblicato in Italia solo l'anno scorso, di romanzi come 'Il piccolo assassino', 'Morte a Venice', 'Viaggiatore del tempo', 'Il grande mondo laggiù e la raccolta 'Omicidi di annata', la sua vena non si era mai esaurita. Nonostante l'età e un infarto del 1999 lasciando segni tangibili sul suo fisico ormai costretto alla sedia a rotelle, Bradbury ha continuato a scrivere fino alla fine brevi racconti (ne ha firmati più di cinquecento), aiutato dalla figlia che li batteva al computer.

RAY BRADBURY - grazie!

JUNE 6, 2012
Ray Bradbury, recipient of the 2000 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the 2004 National Medal of Arts, and the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation, died on June 5, 2012, at the age of 91 after a long illness. He lived in Los Angeles.

In a career spanning more than seventy years, Ray Bradbury has inspired generations of readers to dream, think, and create. A prolific author of hundreds of short stories and close to fifty books, as well as numerous poems, essays, operas, plays, teleplays, and screenplays, Bradbury was one of the most celebrated writers of our time. His groundbreaking works include Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. He wrote the screen play for John Huston's classic film adaptation of Moby Dick, and was nominated for an Academy Award. He adapted sixty-five of his stories for television's The Ray Bradbury Theater, and won an Emmy for his teleplay of The Halloween Tree. In 2005, Bradbury published a book of essays titled Bradbury Speaks, in which he wrote: In my later years I have looked in the mirror each day and found a happy person staring back. Occasionally I wonder why I can be so happy. The answer is that every day of my life I've worked only for myself and for the joy that comes from writing and creating. The image in my mirror is not optimistic, but the result of optimal behavior.

He is survived by his four daughters, Susan Nixon, Ramona Ostergren, Bettina Karapetian, and Alexandra Bradbury, and eight grandchildren. His wife, Marguerite, predeceased him in 2003, after fifty-seven years of marriage.

Throughout his life, Bradbury liked to recount the story of meeting a carnival magician, Mr. Electrico, in 1932. At the end of his performance Electrico reached out to the twelve-year-old Bradbury, touched the boy with his sword, and commanded, Live forever! Bradbury later said, I decided that was the greatest idea I had ever heard. I started writing every day. I never stopped.

mercoledì 6 giugno 2012

martedì 5 giugno 2012

The Blues Brothers

person of interest

lunedì 4 giugno 2012

Queen Elizabeth II

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen!
O Lord our God, arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
Oh, save us all!
Thy choichest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!