giovedì 17 giugno 2010

San Franciscan Nights

This following program is dedicated to the city and people of San Francisco, who may not know it but they are beautiful and so is their city this is a very personal song, so if the viewer cannot understand it particularly those of you who are European residents save up all your brand and fly trans love airways to San Francisco U.S.A., then maybe you'll understand the song, it will be worth it, if not for the sake of this song but for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Strobe lights beam create dreams

walls move minds do too

on a warm San Franciscan night

old child young child feel alright

on a warm San Franciscan night

angels sing leather wings

jeans of blue Harley Davisons too

on a warm San Franciscan night

old angels young angels feel alright

on a warm San Franciscan night.

I wasn't born there perhaps I'll die there

there's no place left to go, San Franciscan.

Cop's face is filled with hate

heavens above he's on a street called love

when will they even learn

old cop young cop feel alright

on a warm San Franciscan night

the children are cool

they don't raise fools

it's an american dream

includes indians too.

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